The Vit-Buckle Society provides an open forum that mentors developing vitreoretinal surgeons, nurtures innovative surgical technologies and therapeutic approaches for retinal diseases, and fosters best practices.
VBS was founded in 2005 as a non-profit, voluntary organization dedicated to enhancing retina education with a focus on developing vitreoretinal surgeons. We have been thriving ever since and encourage you to join us on the journey.
Our events engage the spectrum of retina physicians, from fellows through seasoned attendings, with the goal of making vitreoretinal interventions safer and more effective. We host an Annual Meeting, have recurring educational events including VBS Rounds, organize special sessions such as our 2021 reproductive health symposium, offer CME credit for educational activities, host a podcast, and collate incredible educational content through our Vit-Buckle Academy endeavor.
Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Emeritus

VBS Finance Committee
Anton Orlin, MD (Chair)
R.V. Paul Chan, MD, MSc, FACS
Derek Kunimoto, MD, JD
Geeta A. Lalwani, MD
Charles W. Mango, MD
Andrew Schimel, MD
VBS Bylaws Writing Committee
Anton Orlin, MD
Derek Kunimoto, MD, JD
R. Ross Lakhanpal, MD
Charles W. Mango, MD
Charles C. Wykoff, MD, PhD

VBS Leadership Awards
Our prestigious members are often honored with awards and accolades. Please join us in celebrating their accomplishments!

Charles Wykoff, MD
ASRS Presidents’ Young Investigator Award, 2020
The Presidents’ Young Investigator Award was established to honor past leaders of ASRS. It serves as a means to nurture the development of the next generation of retina leaders and encourage researchers to undertake investigative work in critical areas of retinal diseases that may one day lead to meaningful improvements in patients’ lives.
The award is given in recognition of an outstanding paper published during the past year and other accomplishments of the investigator that signal potential for impactful contributions to the field in the future. Learn More

Yoshihiro Yonekawa, MD
ASRS Senior Honor Award
The Honor Points Program recognizes ASRS members for their time and contributions to the scientific programs of the Annual Meeting. Members who have earned 20 or more points are eligible to receive a Senior Honor Award to recognize those ASRS members who have demonstrated significant continued participation in the Annual Meetings. Learn more

Audina Berrocal, MD
ASRS Crystal Apple Award, 2018
The Crystal Apple is a special recognition presented to an ASRS member who has gone to great lengths to advance the education and professional development of young vitreoretinal specialists. Learn more