10th Annual VBS Annual MeetING 2022

The 10th VBS Annual Meeting concluded in March 2022 with featured speakers Dr. Julia Haller, Lifetime Mentorship Award Winner, and Dr. Caroline Baumal, Keynote Speaker. We are thankful for the support of our guest speakers, VBS members, FOCUS program participants, fellows/residents, and industry representatives that have come together to make a successful and educational event. The goal of the Vit-Buckle Society annual meeting is to create an intimate, interactive, discussion-oriented atmosphere aimed at nurturing innovative surgical and medical therapeutic approaches and technologies in order to foster best practices for the management of retinal pathologies.

Featured Speakers

Julia A. Haller, MD
Lifetime Mentorship Award

Caroline Baumal, MD
Keynote Speaker

Thank You

VBS thanks you for your participation and support. Please look out for the 11th VBS Annual Meeting in 2023. Hope you see you there!